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Exploring the Nature: Montessori Lab
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Exploring the Nature: Montessori Lab

Exploring the Nature: Montessori Lab

Chiara Piroddi (author)
Ref: 9788854417502
Series: Montessori Lab 0 (in series)
160 pages / Published: 29-Apr-21
Price: $19.05 Inc IVA
10,001.25 CRC

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Nature has an important role in Montessorian pedagogy. According to Maria Montessori, taking care of animals and plants is highly satisfying for the child: knowing that someone needs them and that their work gives rise to life is a great incentive for their sense of responsibility, but also for their emotional development, and ability to imagine and control the actions and emotions that are part of the world of childhood.

The activities in this book are intended for children from 2 to 10 years, with the aim of recovering the natural bond between the child and the world of nature.

They are subdivided into 4 areas, according to what Maria Montessori observed to be the most important aspects in the child´s relationship with nature. The activities are designed partly for the home, but are always inspired, where possible, by experience in the open air, in the garden, in the vegetable garden, in the alley behind the home, or in the playground.